Configurable Settings¶
- aligner
- The aligner to use to map the contigs/reads back to the reference e.g blat or bwa. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_ALIGNER
and the default value is'blat'
. Accepted values include:'bwa mem'
- annotation_filters
- A comma separated list of filters to apply to putative annotations. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_ANNOTATION_FILTERS
and the default value is'choose_more_annotated,choose_transcripts_by_priority'
- annotation_memory
- Default memory limit (mb) for the annotation stage. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_ANNOTATION_MEMORY
and the default value is12000
- assembly_include_flanking_pairs
- If true then when the split reads are assembled, any flanking read pairs will also be added. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_ASSEMBLY_INCLUDE_FLANKING_PAIRS
and the default value isTrue
- assembly_include_half_mapped_reads
- If true then when the split reads are assembled, any half-mapped read mates will also be added. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_ASSEMBLY_INCLUDE_HALF_MAPPED_READS
and the default value isTrue
- assembly_max_kmer_size
- The minimum between this and the smallest length input sequence is used as the kmer size for assembling the debruijn graph. if this is not set (any value less than 0 is considered not set) the default is the 75%% of the minimum length input sequence. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_ASSEMBLY_MAX_KMER_SIZE
and the default value is-1
- assembly_max_kmer_strict
- If true then any sequences input to the assembly algorithm that cannot create a kmer of this size will be discarded. if false, then the kmer size will be reduced to the minimum input and all input sequences will be used in the assembly algorithm. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_ASSEMBLY_MAX_KMER_STRICT
and the default value isTrue
- assembly_max_paths
- The maximum number of paths to resolve. this is used to limit when there is a messy assembly graph to resolve. the assembly will pre-calculate the number of paths (or putative assemblies) and stop if it is greater than the given setting. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_ASSEMBLY_MAX_PATHS
and the default value is4
- assembly_min_edge_weight
- Discards all edges with a weight/frequency less than this from the debruijn graph. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_ASSEMBLY_MIN_EDGE_WEIGHT
and the default value is2
- assembly_min_exact_match_to_remap
- The minimum length of exact matches to initiate remapping a read to a contig. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_ASSEMBLY_MIN_EXACT_MATCH_TO_REMAP
and the default value is4
- assembly_min_nc_edge_weight
- Discards all non-cutting edges with a weight/frequency less than this from the debruijn graph. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_ASSEMBLY_MIN_NC_EDGE_WEIGHT
and the default value is4
- assembly_min_remap_coverage
- Minimum fraction of the contig sequence which the remapped sequences must align over. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_ASSEMBLY_MIN_REMAP_COVERAGE
and the default value is0.9
- assembly_min_remapped_seq
- The minimum input sequences that must remap for an assembled contig to be used. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_ASSEMBLY_MIN_REMAPPED_SEQ
and the default value is3
- assembly_min_tgt_to_exclude_half_map
- The minimum number of split reads aligning to both breakpoints in order to exclude half-mapped reads from the assembly input. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_ASSEMBLY_MIN_TGT_TO_EXCLUDE_HALF_MAP
and the default value is7
- assembly_min_uniq
- Minimum percent uniq required to keep separate assembled contigs. if contigs are more similar then the lower scoring contig is dropped. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_ASSEMBLY_MIN_UNIQ
and the default value is0.01
- assembly_strand_concordance
- When the number of remapped reads from each strand are compared, the ratio must be above this number to decide on the strand. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_ASSEMBLY_STRAND_CONCORDANCE
and the default value is0.51
- blat_limit_top_aln
- Number of results to return from blat (ranking based on score). The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_BLAT_LIMIT_TOP_ALN
and the default value is10
- blat_min_identity
- The minimum percent identity match required for blat results when aligning contigs. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_BLAT_MIN_IDENTITY
and the default value is0.9
- breakpoint_color
- Breakpoint outline color. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_BREAKPOINT_COLOR
and the default value is'#000000'
- call_error
- Buffer zone for the evidence window. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_CALL_ERROR
and the default value is10
- cluster_initial_size_limit
- The maximum cumulative size of both breakpoints for breakpoint pairs to be used in the initial clustering phase (combining based on overlap). The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_CLUSTER_INITIAL_SIZE_LIMIT
and the default value is25
- cluster_radius
- Maximum distance allowed between paired breakpoint pairs. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_CLUSTER_RADIUS
and the default value is100
- contig_aln_max_event_size
- Relates to determining breakpoints when pairing contig alignments. for any given read in a putative pair the soft clipping is extended to include any events of greater than this size. the softclipping is added to the side of the alignment as indicated by the breakpoint we are assigning pairs to. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_CONTIG_ALN_MAX_EVENT_SIZE
and the default value is50
- contig_aln_merge_inner_anchor
- The minimum number of consecutive exact match base pairs to not merge events within a contig alignment. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_CONTIG_ALN_MERGE_INNER_ANCHOR
and the default value is20
- contig_aln_merge_outer_anchor
- Minimum consecutively aligned exact matches to anchor an end for merging internal events. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_CONTIG_ALN_MERGE_OUTER_ANCHOR
and the default value is15
- contig_aln_min_anchor_size
- The minimum number of aligned bases for a contig (m or =) in order to simplify. do not have to be consecutive. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_CONTIG_ALN_MIN_ANCHOR_SIZE
and the default value is50
- contig_aln_min_query_consumption
- Minimum fraction of the original query sequence that must be used by the read(s) of the alignment. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_CONTIG_ALN_MIN_QUERY_CONSUMPTION
and the default value is0.9
- contig_call_distance
- The maximum distance allowed between breakpoint pairs (called by contig) in order for them to pair. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_CONTIG_CALL_DISTANCE
and the default value is0
- domain_color
- Domain fill color. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_DOMAIN_COLOR
and the default value is'#ccccb3'
- domain_mismatch_color
- Domain fill color on 0%% match. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_DOMAIN_MISMATCH_COLOR
and the default value is'#b2182b'
- domain_name_regex_filter
- The regular expression used to select domains to be displayed (filtered by name). The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_DOMAIN_NAME_REGEX_FILTER
and the default value is'^PF\\d+$'
- domain_scaffold_color
- The color of the domain scaffold. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_DOMAIN_SCAFFOLD_COLOR
and the default value is'#000000'
- draw_fusions_only
- Flag to indicate if events which do not produce a fusion transcript should produce illustrations. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_DRAW_FUSIONS_ONLY
and the default value isTrue
- drawing_width_iter_increase
- The amount (in pixels) by which to increase the drawing width upon failure to fit. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_DRAWING_WIDTH_ITER_INCREASE
and the default value is500
- fetch_method_individual
- Flag which indicates if the individual or combined fetch method is to be used. the individual will require lesscalls to the file, but the combined will not re-read regions. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_FETCH_METHOD_INDIVIDUAL
and the default value isTrue
- fetch_min_bin_size
- The minimum size of any bin for reading from a bam file. increasing this number will result in smaller bins being merged or less bins being created (depending on the fetch method). The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_FETCH_MIN_BIN_SIZE
and the default value is50
- fetch_reads_bins
- Number of bins to split an evidence window into to ensure more even sampling of high coverage regions. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_FETCH_READS_BINS
and the default value is5
- fetch_reads_limit
- Maximum number of reads, cap, to loop over for any given evidence window. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_FETCH_READS_LIMIT
and the default value is10000
- filter_cdna_synon
- Filter all annotations synonymous at the cdna level. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_FILTER_CDNA_SYNON
and the default value isTrue
- filter_min_flanking_reads
- Minimum number of flanking pairs for a call by flanking pairs. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_FILTER_MIN_FLANKING_READS
and the default value is10
- filter_min_linking_split_reads
- Minimum number of linking split reads for a call by split reads. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_FILTER_MIN_LINKING_SPLIT_READS
and the default value is1
- filter_min_remapped_reads
- Minimum number of remapped reads for a call by contig. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_FILTER_MIN_REMAPPED_READS
and the default value is5
- filter_min_spanning_reads
- Minimum number of spanning reads for a call by spanning reads. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_FILTER_MIN_SPANNING_READS
and the default value is5
- filter_min_split_reads
- Minimum number of split reads for a call by split reads. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_FILTER_MIN_SPLIT_READS
and the default value is5
- filter_protein_synon
- Filter all annotations synonymous at the protein level. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_FILTER_PROTEIN_SYNON
and the default value isTrue
- filter_secondary_alignments
- Filter secondary alignments when gathering read evidence. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_FILTER_SECONDARY_ALIGNMENTS
and the default value isTrue
- flanking_call_distance
- The maximum distance allowed between breakpoint pairs (called by flanking pairs) in order for them to pair. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_FLANKING_CALL_DISTANCE
and the default value is0
- fuzzy_mismatch_number
- The number of events/mismatches allowed to be considered a fuzzy match. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_FUZZY_MISMATCH_NUMBER
and the default value is1
- gene1_color
- The color of genes near the first gene. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_GENE1_COLOR
and the default value is'#657e91'
- gene1_color_selected
- The color of the first gene. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_GENE1_COLOR_SELECTED
and the default value is'#518dc5'
- gene2_color
- The color of genes near the second gene. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_GENE2_COLOR
and the default value is'#325556'
- gene2_color_selected
- The color of the second gene. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_GENE2_COLOR_SELECTED
and the default value is'#4c9677'
- import_env
- Flag to import environment variables. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_IMPORT_ENV
and the default value isTrue
- input_call_distance
- The maximum distance allowed between breakpoint pairs (called by input tools, not validated) in order for them to pair. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_INPUT_CALL_DISTANCE
and the default value is5
- label_color
- The label color. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_LABEL_COLOR
and the default value is'#000000'
- limit_to_chr
- A semi-colon delimited list of chromosome names to use. breakpointpairs on other chromosomes will be filteredout. for example ‘1;2;3;4’ would filter out events/breakpoint pairs on any chromosomes but 1, 2, 3, and 4. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_LIMIT_TO_CHR
and the default value is['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '19', '20', '21', '22', 'X', 'Y']
- mask_fill
- Color of mask (for deleted region etc.). The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_MASK_FILL
and the default value is'#ffffff'
- mask_opacity
- Opacity of the mask layer. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_MASK_OPACITY
and the default value is0.7
- max_drawing_retries
- The maximum number of retries for attempting a drawing. each iteration the width is extended. if it is still insufficient after this number a gene-level only drawing will be output. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_MAX_DRAWING_RETRIES
and the default value is3
- max_files
- The maximum number of files to output from clustering/splitting. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_MAX_FILES
and the default value is100
- max_orf_cap
- The maximum number of orfs to return (best putative orfs will be retained). The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_MAX_ORF_CAP
and the default value is3
- max_proximity
- The maximum distance away from an annotation before the region in considered to be uninformative. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_MAX_PROXIMITY
and the default value is5000
- max_sc_preceeding_anchor
- When remapping a softclipped read this determines the amount of softclipping allowed on the side opposite of where we expect it. for example for a softclipped read on a breakpoint with a left orientation this limits the amount of softclipping that is allowed on the right. if this is set to none then there is no limit on softclipping. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_MAX_SC_PRECEEDING_ANCHOR
and the default value is6
- memory_limit
- The maximum number of megabytes (mb) any given job is allowed. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_MEMORY_LIMIT
and the default value is16000
- min_anchor_exact
- Applies to re-aligning softclipped reads to the opposing breakpoint. the minimum number of consecutive exact matches to anchor a read to initiate targetted realignment. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_MIN_ANCHOR_EXACT
and the default value is6
- min_anchor_fuzzy
- Applies to re-aligning softclipped reads to the opposing breakpoint. the minimum length of a fuzzy match to anchor a read to initiate targetted realignment. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_MIN_ANCHOR_FUZZY
and the default value is10
- min_anchor_match
- Minimum percent match for a read to be kept as evidence. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_MIN_ANCHOR_MATCH
and the default value is0.9
- min_clusters_per_file
- The minimum number of breakpoint pairs to output to a file. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_MIN_CLUSTERS_PER_FILE
and the default value is50
- min_domain_mapping_match
- A number between 0 and 1 representing the minimum percent match a domain must map to the fusion transcript to be displayed. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_MIN_DOMAIN_MAPPING_MATCH
and the default value is0.9
- min_double_aligned_to_estimate_insertion_size
- The minimum number of reads which map soft-clipped to both breakpoints to assume the size of the untemplated sequence between the breakpoints is at most the read length - 2 * min_softclipping. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_MIN_DOUBLE_ALIGNED_TO_ESTIMATE_INSERTION_SIZE
and the default value is2
- min_flanking_pairs_resolution
- The minimum number of flanking reads required to call a breakpoint by flanking evidence. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_MIN_FLANKING_PAIRS_RESOLUTION
and the default value is10
- min_linking_split_reads
- The minimum number of split reads which aligned to both breakpoints. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_MIN_LINKING_SPLIT_READS
and the default value is2
- min_mapping_quality
- The minimum mapping quality of reads to be used as evidence. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_MIN_MAPPING_QUALITY
and the default value is5
- min_non_target_aligned_split_reads
- The minimum number of split reads aligned to a breakpoint by the input bam and no forced by local alignment to the target region to call a breakpoint by split read evidence. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_MIN_NON_TARGET_ALIGNED_SPLIT_READS
and the default value is1
- min_orf_size
- The minimum length (in amino acids) to retain a putative open reading frame (orf). The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_MIN_ORF_SIZE
and the default value is300
- min_sample_size_to_apply_percentage
- Minimum number of aligned bases to compute a match percent. if there are less than this number of aligned bases (match or mismatch) the percent comparator is not used. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_MIN_SAMPLE_SIZE_TO_APPLY_PERCENTAGE
and the default value is10
- min_softclipping
- Minimum number of soft-clipped bases required for a read to be used as soft-clipped evidence. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_MIN_SOFTCLIPPING
and the default value is6
- min_spanning_reads_resolution
- Minimum number of spanning reads required to call an event by spanning evidence. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_MIN_SPANNING_READS_RESOLUTION
and the default value is5
- min_splits_reads_resolution
- Minimum number of split reads required to call a breakpoint by split reads. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_MIN_SPLITS_READS_RESOLUTION
and the default value is3
- novel_exon_color
- Novel exon fill color. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_NOVEL_EXON_COLOR
and the default value is'#000000'
- outer_window_min_event_size
- The minimum size of an event in order for flanking read evidence to be collected. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_OUTER_WINDOW_MIN_EVENT_SIZE
and the default value is125
- queue
- The queue jobs are to be submitted to. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_QUEUE
and the default value is''
- sc_extension_stop
- Applies to read standardization. the minimum amount of consecutive exact matches to abortthe extension of softclipping. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_SC_EXTENSION_STOP
and the default value is5
- scaffold_color
- The color used for the gene/transcripts scaffolds. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_SCAFFOLD_COLOR
and the default value is'#000000'
- scheduler
- The scheduler being used. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_SCHEDULER
and the default value is'SLURM'
. Accepted values include:'SGE'
- spanning_call_distance
- The maximum distance allowed between breakpoint pairs (called by spanning reads) in order for them to pair. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_SPANNING_CALL_DISTANCE
and the default value is5
- splice_color
- Splicing lines color. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_SPLICE_COLOR
and the default value is'#000000'
- split_call_distance
- The maximum distance allowed between breakpoint pairs (called by split reads) in order for them to pair. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_SPLIT_CALL_DISTANCE
and the default value is10
- stdev_count_abnormal
- The number of standard deviations away from the normal considered expected and therefore not qualifying as flanking reads. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_STDEV_COUNT_ABNORMAL
and the default value is3.0
- strand_determining_read
- 1 or 2. the read in the pair which determines if (assuming a stranded protocol) the first or second read in the pair matches the strand sequenced. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_STRAND_DETERMINING_READ
and the default value is2
- time_limit
- The time in seconds any given jobs is allowed. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_TIME_LIMIT
and the default value is36000
- trans_validation_memory
- Default memory limit (mb) for the validation stage (for transcriptomes). The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_TRANS_VALIDATION_MEMORY
and the default value is18000
- uninformative_filter
- Flag that determines if breakpoint pairs which are not within max_proximity to any annotations are filtered out prior to clustering. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_UNINFORMATIVE_FILTER
and the default value isTrue
- validation_memory
- Default memory limit (mb) for the validation stage. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_VALIDATION_MEMORY
and the default value is16000
- width
- The drawing width in pixels. The corresponding environment variable isMAVIS_WIDTH
and the default value is1000