Configuration and Settings

Pipeline Configuration File

The pipeline can be run in steps or it can be configured using a configuration file and setup in a single step. Scripts will be generated to run all steps following clustering. The configuration file can be built from scratch or a template can be output as shown below

>>> mavis config --write template.cfg

This will create a template config file called template.cfg which can then be edited by the user. However this will be a simple config with no library information. To generate a configuration file with the library information as well as estimates for the fragment size parameters more inputs are required.

A simple example with a single library would look like this (see below)

>>> mavis config --write output.cfg \
    --library Library1 genome diseased /path/to/bam/file/library1.bam False

This creates a configuration file but is still missing some information before it can be run by the pipeline, the input files containing the breakpoint pairs. So a more complete example is shown below

>>> mavis config --write output.cfg \
    --library Library1 genome diseased /path/to/bam/file/library1.bam False \
    --library Library2 genome normal /path/to/bam/file/library2.bam False \
    --input /path/to/bpp/file Library1 Library2 \
    --input /path/to/other/bpp/file Library1 Library2

In the above example Library1 is the tumour genome and Library2 is the normal genome. The same input files are used for both

Environment Variables

Most of the default settings can be changed by using environment variables. The value given by the environment variables will be used as the new default. Config or command-line parameters will still override these settings.

All environment variables are prefixed with MAVIS and an underscore. Otherwise the variable name is the same as that used for the command line parameter or config setting (uppercased). For example to change the default minimum mapping quality used during the validate stage