Vignettes and other documentation


Vignettes from package 'workflowr'

workflowr::wflow-01-getting-started Getting started with workflowr HTML source R code
workflowr::wflow-02-customization Customize your research website HTML source R code
workflowr::wflow-03-migrating Migrating an existing project to use workflowr HTML source R code
workflowr::wflow-04-how-it-works How the workflowr package works HTML source
workflowr::wflow-05-faq Frequently asked questions HTML source R code
workflowr::wflow-06-gitlab Hosting workflowr websites using GitLab HTML source R code
workflowr::wflow-07-common-code Sharing common code across analyses HTML source R code
workflowr::wflow-08-deploy Alternative strategies for deploying workflowr websites HTML source
workflowr::wflow-09-workshop Reproducible research with workflowr HTML source R code
workflowr::wflow-10-data Using large data files with workflowr HTML source R code