wflow_build Build the site wflow_git_commit Commit files wflow_git_config Configure Git settings wflow_git_pull Pull files from remote repository wflow_git_push Push files to remote repository wflow_git_remote Manage remote Git repositories wflow_html Convert to a workflowr HTML document wflow_open Open R Markdown analysis file(s) wflow_publish Publish the site wflow_quickstart Quickly start a workflowr project wflow_remove Remove files wflow_rename Rename files and directories wflow_rename_proj Rename a workflowr project wflow_run Run the code wflow_site Custom site generator for workflowr websites wflow_start Start a new workflowr project wflow_status Report status of workflowr project wflow_toc Create table of contents wflow_use_github Deploy site with GitHub wflow_use_gitlab Deploy site with GitLab wflow_view View research website locally