year = sub('.*(2[[:digit:]]{3})-.*', '\\1', meta$Date, perl = TRUE) if (length(year) == 0) year = format(Sys.Date(), '%Y') vers = paste('R package version', meta$Version) auth = format(Filter(function(p) 'aut' %in% p$role, as.person(meta$Author)), c('given', 'family')) bibentry( 'Manual', title = paste('rmarkdown:', meta$Title), author = auth, year = year, note = vers, url = strsplit(meta$URL, ',')[[1]][1], ) bibentry( 'Book', title = 'R Markdown: The Definitive Guide', author = c('Yihui Xie', 'J.J. Allaire', 'Garrett Grolemund'), publisher = 'Chapman and Hall/CRC', address = 'Boca Raton, Florida', year = '2018', isbn = '9781138359338', url = '', ) bibentry( 'Book', title = 'R Markdown Cookbook', author = c('Yihui Xie', 'Christophe Dervieux', 'Emily Riederer'), publisher = 'Chapman and Hall/CRC', address = 'Boca Raton, Florida', year = '2020', isbn = '9780367563837', url = '', )