Type: Package Package: ragg Title: Graphic Devices Based on AGG Version: 1.3.0 Authors@R: c( person("Thomas Lin", "Pedersen", , "thomas.pedersen@posit.co", role = c("cre", "aut"), comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0002-5147-4711")), person("Maxim", "Shemanarev", role = c("aut", "cph"), comment = "Author of AGG"), person("Tony", "Juricic", , "tonygeek@yahoo.com", role = c("ctb", "cph"), comment = "Contributor to AGG"), person("Milan", "Marusinec", , "milan@marusinec.sk", role = c("ctb", "cph"), comment = "Contributor to AGG"), person("Spencer", "Garrett", role = "ctb", comment = "Contributor to AGG"), person("Posit, PBC", role = c("cph", "fnd")) ) Maintainer: Thomas Lin Pedersen Description: Anti-Grain Geometry (AGG) is a high-quality and high-performance 2D drawing library. The 'ragg' package provides a set of graphic devices based on AGG to use as alternative to the raster devices provided through the 'grDevices' package. License: MIT + file LICENSE URL: https://ragg.r-lib.org, https://github.com/r-lib/ragg BugReports: https://github.com/r-lib/ragg/issues Imports: systemfonts (>= 1.0.3), textshaping (>= 0.3.0) Suggests: covr, graphics, grid, testthat (>= 3.0.0) LinkingTo: systemfonts, textshaping Config/Needs/website: ggplot2, devoid, magick, bench, tidyr, ggridges, hexbin, sessioninfo, pkgdown, tidyverse/tidytemplate Encoding: UTF-8 RoxygenNote: 7.3.1 SystemRequirements: freetype2, libpng, libtiff, libjpeg Config/testthat/edition: 3 NeedsCompilation: yes Packaged: 2024-03-13 19:40:17 UTC; thomas Author: Thomas Lin Pedersen [cre, aut] (), Maxim Shemanarev [aut, cph] (Author of AGG), Tony Juricic [ctb, cph] (Contributor to AGG), Milan Marusinec [ctb, cph] (Contributor to AGG), Spencer Garrett [ctb] (Contributor to AGG), Posit, PBC [cph, fnd] Repository: CRAN Date/Publication: 2024-03-13 21:00:02 UTC Built: R 4.1.3; x86_64-pc-linux-gnu; 2024-03-14 19:26:48 UTC; unix