HTML Mark Characters as HTML as.tags Convert a value to tags bindFillRole Allow tags to intelligently fill their container browsable Make an HTML object browsable builder Create HTML tags capturePlot Capture a plot as a saved file copyDependencyToDir Copy an HTML dependency to a directory css CSS string helper defaultPngDevice Determine the best PNG device for your system findDependencies Collect attached dependencies from HTML tag object htmlDependencies HTML dependency metadata htmlDependency Define an HTML dependency htmlEscape Escape HTML entities htmlPreserve Preserve HTML regions htmlTemplate Process an HTML template html_print Implementation of the print method for HTML include Include Content From a File knitr_methods Knitr S3 methods makeDependencyRelative Make an absolute dependency relative parseCssColors Parse CSS color strings plotTag Capture a plot as a self-contained tag print.shiny.tag Print method for HTML/tags renderDependencies Create HTML for dependencies renderDocument Render an html_document object renderTags Render tags into HTML resolveDependencies Resolve a list of dependencies save_html Save an HTML object to a file singleton Include content only once singleton_tools Singleton manipulation functions subtractDependencies Subtract dependencies suppressDependencies Suppress web dependencies tagAddRenderHook Modify a tag prior to rendering tagAppendAttributes Append tag attributes tagAppendChild Modify tag contents tagFunction Tag function tagList Create a list of tags tagQuery Query and modify HTML tags urlEncodePath Encode a URL path validateCssUnit Validate proper CSS formatting of a unit withTags Evaluate an expression using 'tags'