Vignettes and other documentation


Vignettes from package 'future'

future::future-1-overview A Future for R: A Comprehensive Overview HTML source
future::future-2-output A Future for R: Text and Message Output HTML source
future::future-3-topologies A Future for R: Future Topologies HTML source
future::future-4-issues A Future for R: Common Issues with Solutions HTML source
future::future-4-non-exportable-objects A Future for R: Non-Exportable Objects HTML source
future::future-5-startup A Future for R: Controlling Default Future Strategy HTML source
future::future-6-future-api-backend-specification A Future for R: Future API Backend Specification HTML source
future::future-7-for-package-developers A Future for R: Best Practices for Package Developers HTML source
future::future-8-how-future-is-validated A Future for R: How the Future Framework is Validated HTML source