IGVclear Clear IGV tracks loaded. IGVcollapse Collapse tracks in the IGV IGVgenome Set the IGV genome. IGVgoto Go to a specified region in IGV. IGVload Load data into IGV via remote port call. IGVsession Create an IGV session file IGVsnapshot Make a file snapshot of the current IGV screen. IGVsocket Create a Socket Connection to IGV. IGVsort Sort an alignment track by the specified option. SRAdb-package Query NCBI SRA metadata within R or from a local SQLite database ascpR Fasp file downloading using the ascp command line program ascpSRA Fasp SRA data file downloading using the ascp command line program colDescriptions Get column descriptions of SRAmetadb.sqlite entityGraph Create a new graphNEL object from an input entity matrix or data.frame getFASTQfile Download SRA fastq files from EBI ENA through ftp or fasp getFASTQinfo Get SRA fastq file information and associated meta data from EBI ENA getSRA Fulltext search SRA meta data using SQLite fts3 module getSRAdbFile Download and unzip last version of SRAmetadb.sqlite.gz from the server getSRAfile Download SRA data file through ftp or fasp getSRAinfo Get SRA data file information from NCBI SRA listSRAfile List sra, sra-lite or fastq data file names associated with input SRA accessions sraConvert Cross-reference between GEO data types sraGraph Create a new graphNEL object of SRA accessios from SRA full text search startIGV Start IGV from R with different amount maximum memory support