Class The Class class describes an Object class Exception The Exception class to be thrown and caught InternalErrorException InternalErrorException represents internal errors Object The root class that every class must inherit from Package The Package class provides methods for accessing package information R.oo-package Package R.oo Rdoc Class for converting Rdoc comments to Rd files RdocException RdocException are thrown by the Rdoc compiler extend Extends a object getConstructorS3 Get a constructor method getName.environment Gets the name of an environment ll Generates a list of informative properties of all members of an environment objectSize Gets the size of the object in bytes objectSize.environment Gets the size of an environment in bytes setConstructorS3 Defines a class in S3/UseMethod style throw Throws an Exception throw.error Throws (rethrows) an object of class 'error' typeOfClass Gets the type of a class (S3 or S4)