useDynLib(GenomicAlignments) import(methods) importFrom(utils, read.table) importFrom(stats, setNames) import(BiocGenerics) import(S4Vectors) import(IRanges) import(GenomeInfoDb) import(GenomicRanges) import(SummarizedExperiment) import(Biostrings) import(Rsamtools) importFrom(BiocParallel, bplapply) ### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ### Export S4 classes ### exportClasses( GAlignments, GAlignmentPairs, GAlignmentsList, GappedReads, OverlapEncodings ) ### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ### Export S3 methods ### S3method(, OverlapEncodings) S3method(levels, OverlapEncodings) ### We also export them thru the export() directive so that (a) they can be ### called directly, (b) tab-completion on the name of the generic shows them, ### and (c) methods() doesn't asterisk them. export(, levels.OverlapEncodings ) ### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ### Export S4 methods for generics not defined in GenomicAlignments ### exportMethods( length, names, "names<-", c, "[[", show, coerce, unlist, order, sort, rank, levels, update, ## Generics defined in BiocGenerics:, is.unsorted, order, sort, rank, start, end, width, strand, "strand<-", invertStrand, updateObject, ## Generics defined in S4Vectors: bindROWS, getListElement, parallel_slot_names, "elementMetadata<-", pcompare, ## Generics defined in IRanges: ranges, rglist, relistToClass, findOverlaps, windows, narrow, coverage, pintersect, ## Generics defined in GenomeInfoDb: seqinfo, "seqinfo<-", seqnames, "seqnames<-", seqlevelsInUse, ## Generics defined in GenomicRanges: granges, grglist, ## Generics defined in Biostrings: encoding, ## Generics defined in S4Vectors: first, second ) ### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ### Export non-generic functions ### export( validCigar, CIGAR_OPS, explodeCigarOps, explodeCigarOpLengths, cigarToRleList, cigarRangesAlongReferenceSpace, cigarRangesAlongQuerySpace, cigarRangesAlongPairwiseSpace, extractAlignmentRangesOnReference, cigarWidthAlongReferenceSpace, cigarWidthAlongQuerySpace, cigarWidthAlongPairwiseSpace, cigarNarrow, cigarQNarrow, cigarOpTable, queryLoc2refLoc, queryLocs2refLocs, GAlignments, GAlignmentPairs, GAlignmentsList, GappedReads, Lencoding, Rencoding, Lnjunc, Rnjunc, findMateAlignment, makeGAlignmentPairs, getDumpedAlignments, countDumpedAlignments, flushDumpedAlignments, readGAlignments, readGAlignmentPairs, readGAlignmentsList, readGappedReads, NATURAL_INTRON_MOTIFS, summarizeJunctions, readTopHatJunctions, readSTARJunctions, sequenceLayer, pileLettersAt, stackStringsFromGAlignments, stackStringsFromBam, alphabetFrequencyFromBam, encodeOverlaps1, flipQuery, selectEncodingWithCompatibleStrand, extractQueryStartInTranscript, countCompatibleOverlaps, Union, IntersectionNotEmpty, IntersectionStrict ) ### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ### Export S4 generics defined in GenomicAlignments + export corresponding ### methods ### export( ## GAlignments-class.R: rname, "rname<-", cigar, qwidth, njunc, ## GAlignmentPairs-class.R: last, strandMode, "strandMode<-", isProperPair, ## GappedReads-class.R: qseq, ## OverlapEncodings-class.R: Loffset, Roffset, flippedQuery, encodingHalves, isCompatibleWithSplicing, ## readGAlignments.R: readGAlignments, readGAlignmentPairs, readGAlignmentsList, readGappedReads, ## junctions-methods.R: junctions, ## intra-range-methods.R: qnarrow, ## encodeOverlaps-methods.R: encodeOverlaps, isCompatibleWithSkippedExons, extractSteppedExonRanks, extractSpannedExonRanks, extractSkippedExonRanks, ## findCompatibleOverlaps-methods.R: findCompatibleOverlaps, ## summarizeOverlaps-methods.R: summarizeOverlaps, ## findSpliceOverlaps-methods.R: findSpliceOverlaps, ## coordinateMapping-methods.R: mapToAlignments, pmapToAlignments, mapFromAlignments, pmapFromAlignments ) ### Exactly the same list as above. exportMethods( rname, "rname<-", cigar, qwidth, njunc, first, last, strandMode, "strandMode<-", isProperPair, qseq, Loffset, Roffset, flippedQuery, encodingHalves, isCompatibleWithSplicing, readGAlignments, readGAlignmentPairs, readGAlignmentsList, readGappedReads, junctions, qnarrow, encodeOverlaps, isCompatibleWithSkippedExons, extractSteppedExonRanks, extractSpannedExonRanks, extractSkippedExonRanks, findCompatibleOverlaps, summarizeOverlaps, findSpliceOverlaps, mapToAlignments, pmapToAlignments, mapFromAlignments, pmapFromAlignments )