Installation: This package uses GNU autoconf generated configure scripts, see the file INSTALL.configure for generic configure documentation. Requirements: ---------- You must have the g2 - graphic library V0.49a (C) 1999 Lj. Milanovic, H. Wagner installed on your system. If not the g2 graphics library is ditributed with RNAforester by the file g2-0.49a.tar.gz. If g2 is installed usually you'll just have to type: ./configure make and (as root) make install The Vienna RNA lib (libRNA) (C) I. Hofacker must be installed on your system. Refer to for download and further instructions. Quickstart for users that do not have administrator rights ---------------------------------------------------------- Say your home directory is /home/user. If the g2 library is not installed on your system you'll have to type: tar xvzf g2-0.49a.tar.gz cd g2-0.49a ./configure --prefix=/home/user make make install cd .. Make sure the Vienna RNA package is installed on your system. To install RNAforester type: ./configure --prefix=/home/user make make install If the includes files of the g2 library cannot be found you can add the path including the headers as follows: CPPFLAGS=-I/home/user/include ./configure --prefix=/home/user (of course, your include path can differ) Installation Paths: ------------- The main programs, library and man are installed in the usual places by default (i.e. /usr/local/{bin,lib,man}). All these locations can be changed by calling ./configure with appropriate options. Microsoft Visual C++ ----------------------- RNAforester uses the getline function of STL. There is a bug in some VC versions in this function. If you must hit the return key twice to confirm your input, open file and change the code as indicated by the comment: else if (_Tr::eq(_C, _D)) {_Chg = true; _I.rdbuf()->snextc(); // replace snextc with sbumpc break; }