Info: * Output directory : /projects/mapp_etc/other/HS1235/bigWig/ Info: * Naming files as : H4ac_HS1235_hg18_xset200_mapq10_min2_dupN_2010100328 Info: * MC simulation : Off Info: * Chr name prepend : chr Info: * Min. reported pk ht : 2 Info: * Min. cov. allowed : 0.0010 Info: * Minimum ht to process: Off Info: * Lander-Waterman FDR : Off Info: * Output Sequence : Off Info: * Control files in use : Off Info: * Compare files in use : Off Info: * Auto-threshold : Off Info: * Filter on PET flags : Off Info: * Maximum PET frag size: Off Info: * Aligner : maq Info: * Triangle dist. : 100 low Info: * Triangle dist. : 200 median Info: * Triangle dist. : 300 high Info: * Maq file format : 128bit reads (default value. use -maq_read_size to override) Info: * One file per chr. : Off Info: * Sub-peaks : Off Info: * Trim : Off Info: * Saturation Analysis : Off Info: * Wig step size : 1 Info: * Histogram length : 30 Info: * Histogram precision : 1 Info: * Peaks File Header : On Info: * Bedgraph/Wigfile : wig file Info: * R mode : Off Info: * Filter Duplicates : On Info: * Filter quality min. : On (10) Info: * Input Files : Info: /archive/solexa1_5/analysis/HS1235/42F10AAXX_1/maq/ Version: Initializing class PeakWriter $Revision: 1498 $ Version: Initializing class Generic_AlignRead_Iterator $Revision: 1600 $ Version: Initializing class MAQmapIterator $Revision: 1790 $ Info: number of mapped reads in header: 21753664 Info: Running Peak Processor Version: Initializing class PeakDataSet Peak Locator $Revision: 1982 $ Version: Initializing class PeakStore $Revision: 1335 $ Version: Initializing class MapStore $Revision: 1335 $ Info: Current chromosome : 1 Info: Reads used: 1700099 Info: Reads filtered by duplicate: 94449 Info: Reads filtered by iterator: 408248 Version: Initializing class PeakStats $Revision: 1335 $ Version: Initializing class Histogram $Revision: 1197 $ Version: Initializing class WigwriterBuffered $Revision: 1977 $ Info: writing to : /projects/mapp_etc/other/HS1235/bigWig/H4ac_HS1235_hg18_xset200_mapq10_min2_dupN_2010100328_triangle_standard_1.wig.gz Info: Running Peak Processor Info: Current chromosome : 10 Info: Reads used: 972538 Info: Reads filtered by duplicate: 30450 Info: Reads filtered by iterator: 648110 Info: Running Peak Processor Info: Current chromosome : 11 Info: Reads used: 1051833 Info: Reads filtered by duplicate: 19022 Info: Reads filtered by iterator: 826306 Info: Running Peak Processor Info: Current chromosome : 12 Info: Reads used: 836149 Info: Reads filtered by duplicate: 11286 Info: Reads filtered by iterator: 963110 Info: Running Peak Processor Info: Current chromosome : 13 Info: Reads used: 557179 Info: Reads filtered by duplicate: 7006 Info: Reads filtered by iterator: 1040270 Info: Running Peak Processor Info: Current chromosome : 14 Info: Reads used: 632942 Info: Reads filtered by duplicate: 9435 Info: Reads filtered by iterator: 1136156 Info: Running Peak Processor Info: Current chromosome : 15 Info: Reads used: 516220 Info: Reads filtered by duplicate: 6681 Info: Reads filtered by iterator: 1251670 Info: Running Peak Processor Info: Current chromosome : 16 Info: Reads used: 355582 Info: Reads filtered by duplicate: 4794 Info: Reads filtered by iterator: 1389130 Info: Running Peak Processor Info: Current chromosome : 17 Info: Reads used: 672125 Info: Reads filtered by duplicate: 11756 Info: Reads filtered by iterator: 1559334 Info: Running Peak Processor Info: Current chromosome : 18 Info: Reads used: 411262 Info: Reads filtered by duplicate: 16079 Info: Reads filtered by iterator: 1642792 Info: Running Peak Processor Info: Current chromosome : 19 Info: Reads used: 408918 Info: Reads filtered by duplicate: 22537 Info: Reads filtered by iterator: 1809406 Info: Running Peak Processor Info: Current chromosome : 2 Info: Reads used: 1643314 Info: Reads filtered by duplicate: 28433 Info: Reads filtered by iterator: 2196122 Info: Running Peak Processor Info: Current chromosome : 20 Info: Reads used: 515801 Info: Reads filtered by duplicate: 8665 Info: Reads filtered by iterator: 2265034 Info: Running Peak Processor Info: Current chromosome : 21 Info: Reads used: 206125 Info: Reads filtered by duplicate: 2782 Info: Reads filtered by iterator: 2301080 Info: Running Peak Processor Info: Current chromosome : 22 Info: Reads used: 187273 Info: Reads filtered by duplicate: 2037 Info: Reads filtered by iterator: 2357902 Info: Running Peak Processor Info: Current chromosome : 3 Info: Reads used: 1320370 Info: Reads filtered by duplicate: 17400 Info: Reads filtered by iterator: 2542992 Info: Running Peak Processor Info: Current chromosome : 4 Info: Reads used: 1193923 Info: Reads filtered by duplicate: 15524 Info: Reads filtered by iterator: 2739402 Info: Running Peak Processor Info: Current chromosome : 5 Info: Reads used: 1295016 Info: Reads filtered by duplicate: 18373 Info: Reads filtered by iterator: 2956294 Info: Running Peak Processor Info: Current chromosome : 6 Info: Reads used: 1490380 Info: Reads filtered by duplicate: 42116 Info: Reads filtered by iterator: 3155128 Info: Running Peak Processor Info: Current chromosome : 7 Info: Reads used: 1095285 Info: Reads filtered by duplicate: 34022 Info: Reads filtered by iterator: 3443120 Info: Running Peak Processor Info: Current chromosome : 8 Info: Reads used: 887099 Info: Reads filtered by duplicate: 13302 Info: Reads filtered by iterator: 3616924 Info: Running Peak Processor Info: Current chromosome : 9 Info: Reads used: 707664 Info: Reads filtered by duplicate: 11712 Info: Reads filtered by iterator: 3863058 Info: Running Peak Processor Info: Current chromosome : MT Info: Reads used: 464 Info: Reads filtered by duplicate: 97 Info: Reads filtered by iterator: 3863142 Info: Running Peak Processor Info: Current chromosome : X Info: Reads used: 599716 Info: Reads filtered by duplicate: 8399 Info: Reads filtered by iterator: 4075564 Info: Running Peak Processor Info: Current chromosome : Y Info: Reads used: 5870 Info: Reads filtered by duplicate: 609 Info: Reads filtered by iterator: 4106804 Info: Wrote to:/projects/mapp_etc/other/HS1235/bigWig/H4ac_HS1235_hg18_xset200_mapq10_min2_dupN_2010100328_triangle_standard.wig.gz