03 October 2010 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/projects/geo/query/acc.cgi?acc=GSE21512 http://biowhat.ucsd.edu/homer/ - bedGraph mm8 files available Illumina Genome Analyzer II (Mus musculus) Lysates were clarified from sonicated nuclei and protein-DNA complexes were isolated with antibody. After adapter ligation, ChIP DNA was PCR-amplified with Illumina primers for 12-16 cycles and library fragments of 200-300 bp (ChIP) (insert plus adaptor and PCR primer sequences) were isolated from a 2% agarose gel. Alternatively, DNA was phenol/chloroform-extracted from MNase-treated nuclei, and 134-154 bp long fragments were extractred from a 2% agarose gel. For MNase-Seq, size-selected mononucleosome-derived DNA fragments were ligated to modified adapters that incorporate both the adapter sequence as well as the primer landing sites for the flow cell-conjugated primers. Alignment: Reads were truncated to 25 bp and aligned to the mouse mm8 genome (NCBI Build 36) using eland. Only reads that mapped to a single, unique position were used for downstream analysis. Peaks were identified using custom software (HOMER, available at http://biowhat.ucsd.edu/homer/). For transcription factors, peaks were found by identifying 200 bp regions with tag density exceeding a threshold set at a 0.1% false discovery rate (determined by tag randomization). Only peaks with >4x normalized tag density relative to control sequencing and >4x normlaized tag density to the sourrounding 10kb of region were considered for analysis. ------------------- GSE21512_README.txt Genome: mm8 ChIP-Seq Peak File Format (BED): Column 1: chr Column 2: start position Column 3: end position Column 4: peak name Column 5: peak score (i.e. peak height) Column 6: strand (all are +, no applicable for ChIP-Seq peaks) MNase-Seq Nucleosome positions (BED): Column 1: chr Column 2: start position Column 3: end position Column 4: nucleosome name Column 5: number of nucleosomes recorded at that position Column 6: strand (+/- depending on the strand containing the read used to define the 5' edge of the nucleosome position) Raw data files: Raw sequence files were provided as FASTA or FASTQ files when available. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PUER Cells (PU.1-/- line with PU.1-ER fusion) ============================================= GSM538796 PUER-0h-MNase-Seq GSM538796_Sample33.PUER-MNase-0h.bed.gz 225.5 Mb chr10 3002839 3002985 chr10-3002839-0 1 + chr10 3002755 3002901 chr10-3002901-1 1 - 24,459,966 'nucleosomes' fastq files: ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sra/static/SRX019%2FSRX019784/ SRR042041.fastq.bz2 203 MB SRR042042.fastq.bz2 267 MB SRR042043.fastq.bz2 256 MB SRR042044.fastq.bz2 414 MB GSM538797 PUER-1h-MNase-Seq GSM538797_Sample34.PUER-MNase-1h.bed.gz 266.5 Mb GSM538012 PUER-H3K4me1-0h-ChIP-Seq chip antibody: H3K4me1 (Vendor: Abcam, cat# ab8895, lot# 721955) GSM538012_Sample30.PUER-H3K4me1-0h.bed.gz 314.9 Kb (peak calls) fastq: ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sra/static/SRX019%2FSRX019775/SRR042031.fastq.bz2 328 MB GSM538013 PUER-H3K4me1-1h-ChIP-Seq chip antibody: H3K4me1 (Vendor: Abcam, cat# ab8895, lot# 721955) GSM538013_Sample31.PUER-H3K4me1-1h.bed.gz 307.9 Kb (peak calls) fastq: ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sra/static/SRX019%2FSRX019776/SRR042032.fastq.bz2 284 MB GSM538014 PUER-H3K4me1-24h-ChIP-Seq GSM537993 Bcell-input-ChIP-Seq GSM537993_Sample11.Bcell-input.bed.gz 1.2 Kb PUER-PU.1-0h-ChIP-Seq Chromatin IP against PU.1 in PUER cells after 0h Tamoxifen treatment chip antibody: PU.1 (Vendor: Santa Cruz, cat# sc-352, lot# F1808) GSM538000_Sample18.PUER-PU.1-0h.bed.gz 114.6 Kb