IBM data server clients and drivers overview > IBM Data Server Drivers > db2dsdriver configuration file >
db2dsdcfgfill - Create configuration file db2dsdriver.cfg
Creates and populates the configuration file db2dsdriver.cfg
After installing IBM® Data
Server Driver Package,
you can run this command to automatically create and populate the
db2dsdriver.cfg configuration file in a human-readable format.
The db2dsdcfgfill command
copies the existing database directory information from either the
existing IBM Data Server Client or IBM Data Server Runtime Client, and copies the information
to the db2dsdriver.cfg configuration file.
Command syntax

>>-db2dsdcfgfill--+- -i--instance-name-+------------------------>
'- -p--instance-path-'
'- -o--output-path-' '- -?-'
Command parameters
- -i instance-name
- The name of the database manager instance whose database directory,
node directory, and Database Connection Services (DCS) directory will
be used as input by the db2dsdcfgfill command.
be used in combination with -p.
- -p instance-path
- The full path of the database manager instance directory under
which the system database directory, node directory, and DCS directory
are located.
Cannot be used in combination with -i.
- -o output-path
- The path where the db2dsdcfgfill command will
create the db2dsdriver.cfg configuration file. The configuration file
should be created in one of the following paths:
- for IBM Data Server Client or IBM Data Server Runtime Client, the configuration
file should be created in a folder named cfg under
the instance path:
- On AIX®, HP-UX, Linux®, or Solaris operating systems, instance_path/cfg
- On Windows® operating
systems, instance_path\cfg
- for IBM Data
Server Driver Package,
create the configuration file in a folder named cfg under
the installation path:
- On AIX, HP-UX, Linux, or Solaris operating systems, installation_path/cfg
- On Windows operating
systems, installation_path\cfg
If the db2dsdriver.cfg configuration file already exists,
the db2dsdcfgfill command overwrites the existing
db2dsdriver.cfg configuration file.
- -?
- Displays usage information.
Usage notes
When you run the db2dsdcfgfill command,
if a db2dsdriver.cfg configuration file already exists, the existing
db2dsdriver.cfg configuration file is overwritten.
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